etapAPP Getting Started Guide - ETAP 2024

etapAPP Getting Started Guide - ETAP 2024


Getting started with etapAPP TM

ETAP 2024

This document describes the installation, configuration, and start-up of field data collection and synchronization between the ETAP Desktop Application and the etapAPP 8.0 Mobile Application.

To establish communication, ETAP DXM (NetPM Server) must first be installed and configured. An active internet connection is also required for ETAP and etapAPP to communicate. 

ETAP DXM is a web service using ASP.NET web framework hosted in Microsoft IIS. ETAP DXM provides multi-user, queued messaging between ETAP and etapAPP mobile devices. Since DXM can communicate with a Mobile device outside the corporate LAN, it should be hosted in a DMZ with an outward internet facing NIC and an inward, corporate LAN facing NIC. DXM does not need to be installed on the same machine running ETAP. Alternatively, DXM can be installed on a Cloud, such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon WS, etc.

A.  Install DataX Manager (DXM)

Prerequisites & Notes

  1. The PC must have internet access during installation.
  2. Administrative privileges are required to perform install.
  3. DXM should be installed both on the NetPM server itself as well as on each end-user PC in the planned NetPM environment.
  4. DXM and ETAP versions should match.

Install Process

      1.      From the ETAP installer, click the option for DataX Manager.

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      2.      DXM License Agreement

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      3.      Welcome / Installation Type
                  > Full installation – Requires internet to enable Windows features (IIS and .NET)
                  > Application Files and MongoDB Setup Only – For workstation or offline setup.

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      4.      License Agreement & Improvement Program

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      5.      System Requirements

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      6.      Database & Notification Setup

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      7.      Server Administrator Setup

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      8.      Application Destination

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      9.      DXM Install Setup Complete. 

NOTE: Checking “Launch NetPM Portal” will open the NetPM site with the system’s default web browser. By default, NetPM is deployed using a self-signed certificate that your browser may flag as unsafe. Advanced options in the browser can be used to continue past the warning. To completely address this, ask your IT to use IIS to bind a signed certificate issued by a valid certificate authority.

B.  NetPM Server Administration

After DXM installation, the designated NetPM Server Administrator is responsible for issuing registration tokens and high-level maintenance of projects hosted on the server. Additional server configurations/customizations can also be performed using the NetPM Console.

Registration Token Generation

If using DXM strictly for project publications with etapAPP, NetPM server license ACTIVATION is not required. (Otherwise, please see corresponding section from “NetPM Getting Started Guide”) 

In this case, the NetPM Server Administrator simply needs to generate and share the registration token by doing the following:

  1. Enter the DXM (NetPM) address into a web browser then log in using the NetPM Server Administrator credentials (established during DXM installation). 

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Note that the address itself can vary depending on IT setup. For example…

                  > https://localhost/etapdxm - Default initial address for every local installation.
                  > https://IP.00.00.000/etapdxm - IP or Machine-Name can be used for connection with other PCs within the same network.
                  > - For installations on cloud VMs a purchased domain can be associated with the etapDXM web application. 

  1. From the License Page, the Server Administrator can generate and issue tokens necessary for registering projects on that specific NetPM Server. Expiration options let the administrator customize how long each token will be valid for. 

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Project Publication Maintenance

The server administrator may use the Publications page to monitor the high-level activity of ETAP-to-etapAPP project publications on the NetPM server. 

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NetPM Console

This tool may be used to customize/reconfigure connection, notification, and Server Admin settings for NetPM. From the NetPM Server (machine where DXM was installed), the Server Administrator can navigate to the installed NetPM Console app from the Windows Start Menu. 

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> General – Filter pages based on installation type and view NetPM version. 
> MongoDB – Reconfigure locally installed MongoDB services.
> Notifications – Optional setup to allow NetPM server to send email notifications when projects are registered or uploaded.
> Admin – Reconfigure server administrator credentials or customize encryption method
> NetPM – Reconfigure connection to MongoDB service for NetPM Server.
> Local – Reconfigure connection to MongoDB service for ETAP on local PC.

C. Register ETAP Project Users to NetPM
Registering an ETAP project to NetPM tells the server which users belong to the project. 

Prerequisites & Notes

  1. Project must have passwords enabled
  2. File must be opened using Project Manager & Editor access
  3. Administrator access can be used to reconfigure passwords and access levels

New Project Setup

  1. Go to FileNew Project then be sure to check Enable Passwords.
  2. Configure login credentials then open the project. (Note that the first user is automatically assigned Project Manager access).

Existing Project Setup

  1. If the project is already open, go to FileLog Off.
  2. At the ETAP Login window enter the project Administrator credentials (default: Admin / password).
  3. From the User Manager window click Enable Passwords.
  4. Add users, specify credentials, and designate the Project Manager.
  5. Close the User Manager then again re-open the project.

Login, Establish Users, and Register

  1. Open project as designated Project Manager

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  1. Open the User Manager from the Project or Collaborate tab. 

            At this point, the Manager can make necessary adjustments to project users.

  1. Click Register to NetPM.

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  1. Enter the NetPM URL and corresponding valid Registration Token from the NetPM Server Administrator.

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  1. Once registered, the ETAP App button in the Collaborate tab will become enabled allowing you to launch the DataX Manager window. 

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Note that at this point, the NetPM page in the Project Information window will also display the DXM address and list the registered users. 

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D. Create Project Publications with DataX Manager

Once you are ready to share the project with an etapAPP user, do the following to create Project Publications.
  1. From the Collaborate tab, click the ETAP App button to launch the DataX Manager window and hit New.

  1. Specify the new publication details and hit OK.

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To – Which project user the publication is for.
Include – Check Datablock to allow property filtering using ETAP Datablock templates. 
Full / Selected – Send the whole project or just the selected portion in the active presentation.
Extension – Define what the publication should be called. This will be part of the identifier in the app project list. 
Description – Add an optional note for the user to understand the content or intention of publication. 

E. Download Project Publication to etapAPP

  1. EtapAPP is available for iOS, Windows, and Android tablet operating systems. You can visit the Apple App Store, Microsoft Store, or Google Play Store to download and install etapAPP at no cost.

  2. Once downloaded, launch etapAPP and make sure the device is networked to the NetPM server.
  3. Go to the Projects page then enter the NetPM address and log in with the user’s project credentials.

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Note that all project publications addressed to the logged-in user will be available on this page. Blue markers indicate new items while the Green checked marker indicates the currently connected project.

  1. Select the desired publication then click the Download button in the right-side details pane. 

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F. Collect Field Data with etapAPP

With the project publication loaded, take your tablet to the field and leverage the many features of etapAPP to access, verify, and update the shared model on the go.
  1. Navigate the one-line diagram including nested composite networks.

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  1. Insert, add, or remove elements and make new connections as needed.

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  1. Find equipment based on ID or property value.

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  1. Tap an element to view or edit its property data. 

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  1. Filter property table by familiar ETAP editor pages, related studies, or using customizable imported Datablock templates from ETAP. 

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  1. Select an element then capture images using the tablet camera or batch associate of existing images from the device photo library.

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  1. Geotag equipment with tablet’s location as you walk the field.
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  1. Use textbox search to find and jump to notes or points of interest.

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G. Save and Upload Changes to DXM

  1. From the Settings menu hit Save to locally save changes made to project in tablet.

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  1. From the Projects page, select the connected project and hit Upload. Here you can also add a comment to help clarify the work done.

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H. Synchronize Collected Data Back to ETAP

  1. In ETAP, Launch DataX Manager by clicking the ETAP App button in the Collaborate tab then go to the Imports page. This is where the ETAP Project Manager can view, manage, and merge uploads submitted from registered etapAPP users.

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  1. Select the desired upload then hit Merge to launch the ETAP Merge & Sync Wizard. This window lets you review change details then check Accept or Reject the collected data. Click Finish to complete the merge process.

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I. Definitions


In computer security, a DMZ or Demilitarized Zone (sometimes referred to as a ‘perimeter network’) is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes an organization's external-facing services to a larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet.


ASP.NET is a unified Web development model that includes the services necessary to build enterprise-class Web applications with a minimum of coding. ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework.


A Network Interface Controller (NIC, also known as a network interface card, network adapter, LAN adapter, or physical network interface, and by similar terms) is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network.


Also known as NetPM Server. This application allows for communication between etapAPP and ETAP. In a NetPM environment, it also provides a communication channel between Primary and Client ETAP projects.

User Manager

Interface used by the Project Manager or Administrator to establish or reconfigure the users associated with a project. 

Primary Project

This is the original ETAP project that is registered and uploaded to NetPM. 

Client Project

Any projects downloaded from NetPM will be designated as Client projects.

Project Manager

This access level combines the capabilities of both the Project Editor and the Administrator access levels. Each project can have, at most, one Project Manager. Project Manager access is required for registering ETAP projects to NetPM and launching Data Exchange Manager (DataX Manager).

NetPM Server Administrator

Superuser that can access and manage the projects and mobile etapAPP publications on DXM (NetPM Server).

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